




What is Past Life Regression ?

Past life memories are the autobiography of your eternal soul-—personal stories that explain who you are now and why you’re here on Earth.

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique for accessing and re-experiencing your past lives directly. A branch of hypnotherapy, past life regression therapy has grown over the last 50 years to be an important addition to the healing arts.

Therapeutic Past Life Regressions are not parlor tricks and have serious implications about how we live our lives. It is deep work on the unconscious template that often dictates our reactions to situations, people we choose to partner with and our physical health and habits. With this in mind, when doing a past life regression, it’s important that you work with an experienced professional who can assist you with issues that may arise following your regression.

With that caveat, there are very few healing modalities that can offer the physical and emotional healing and insight that can be had through past life therapy. We are, as individuals, far more than we understand ourselves to be in this present lifetime. I believe that the numbers of previous life experiences that we have had are countless. Furthermore, my belief follows that we continue in an infinite number of future lives in order to realize who we are. As we experience, we continue to grow, change and become as we evolve into something more wonderful and wise than we can imagine. Past Life Regressions are an important tool for us to understand what we (as souls) have been becoming which assists us in moving forward on our path toward God.

Past Life Regressions as Therapy

When considering a physical, emotional or spiritual healing modality, it’s important to understand its purposes as well the healing effects and limitations in its ability to move you forward in your wellness goals. This article is designed to give you a basic overview of Past Life Regressions as a therapy model.

Therapeutic Past Life Regressions are not parlor tricks and have serious implications about how we live our lives. It is deep work on the unconscious template that often dictates our reactions to situations, people we choose to partner with and our physical health and habits. With this in mind, when doing a past life regression, it’s important that you work with an experienced professional who can assist you with issues that may arise following your regression.

With that caveat, there are very few healing modalities that can offer the physical and emotional healing and insight that can be had through past life therapy. We are, as individuals, far more than we understand ourselves to be in this present lifetime. I believe that the numbers of previous life experiences that we have had are countless. Furthermore, my belief follows that we continue in an infinite number of future lives in order to realize who we are. As we experience, we continue to grow, change and become as we evolve into something more wonderful and wise than we can imagine. Past Life Regressions are an important tool for us to understand what we (as souls) have been becoming which assists us in moving forward on our path toward God.

Are Past Lives Real ?

Most major religions have reincarnation as a basic tenant. Early Christians believed in past lives as well until the Catholic Church banned it as a heretical offense. however, nowhere in the Bible is reincarnation denied as a spiritual reality. Because of this, the tradition of reincarnation in the west is new and takes an approach that often leads to a more surface understanding. We want to know if we’ve been here before, who we’ve been and maybe to see if we were some famous past-life figure. Often times, the deep spiritual meaning as well as the importance and effect that has on our current life situations are overlooked.

Hindu tradition views reincarnation as a spiritual prison where we keep going around an endless circle of lives and reincarnation until we reach enlightenment. This enlightenment can be reached at any moment ending the cycle of incarnations. In Buddhism, incarnations are a way of development for the soul and the realization that there is no me/you or mine/yours. We come together in the realization that we are all one with everything. Obviously, these are simple statements for dynamic religions that have been in practice for thousands of years.

Benefits of Past Life Regression

Some people try past life regression simply out of curiosity to see who they were in the past. But for most, it’s a path for personal growth and healing.  With the help of a trained guide, past life regression can help you:

⦁ See personal relationships in a new light

⦁ Energize talents and abilities from the past

⦁ Release fears and anxieties linked to past life traumas

⦁ Release past life traumas at the root of physical problems

⦁ Experience the transitional states of death and beyond

⦁ Understand and align with life purpose

How Does Past Life Regression Work?

While in a light trance, with me as your guide, you experience each past life yourself. You see it, sense it, and feel it.You are the central character deeply involved in the past life story.

(Regression therapy is not to be confused with a past life reading, which is a passive process and has little therapeutic effect.)

For more information on the the outward mechanics of the process, see the Past Life Regression FAQ. You can also read an excerpt from my first book that gives a firsthand account of what the trance experience feels like.

Seeing, Feeling, Sensing Past Lives

Past life regression is an amazing, full-sensory experience. You might experience the memory as a vivid movie, or see only vague flashes of images that prompt the narrative.  You might hear gunshots or explosions on a battlefield, or music at a dance.  It is possible to recall smells too:  smoke from a fire, leather from a saddle, or the sweat of a dirty body.

As the story unfolds, you feel real emotions appropriate to the story. You may cry when you re-experience deep sadness at the death of a beloved child, feel despair in the pit of your stomach as you witness a massacre, or elation at a long-awaited homecoming from war.  And just as you can recall strong emotions, you feel the pain of an arrow piercing your body as you are dying, or the heaviness of a load you’re carrying on your back.  These physical sensations and emotions are very real in the moment, but pass quickly as you move through the past life story and death.

How the Healing Works

Past life regression is healing. You were born not as a blank slate, but as a soul rich with both the wisdom and scars from many lifetimes.

We all carry memories from past lives into this life–unconscious memories that carry an energetic charge and continue to affect us. They can be things left undone, vows made, accomplishments, failures, mistakes, success, emotional debts, guilt, gratitude, traumatic and sudden deaths, wisdom, and love.

These charges from the past set up patterns which are continually triggered and repeated in our present life. These patterns can be positive or negative. They can affect our relationships, behaviors, motivations, and even our physical bodies and health. Positive patterns can feed talents, bestow wisdom, influence tastes, and energize life purpose.   Negative patterns fuel destructive, compulsive behavior, cloud judgment, cause injury, and block your way.

By making these memories conscious, we can release the patterns that no longer serve us, freeing us to live more fully in the present. Beneficial patterns are reinforced, negative patterns are neutralized.

Past life regression is the process of healing the soul by healing the past.

Past Life Regression is Spiritual

Past life regression is gaining recognition as a legitimate form of spiritual healing.No matter what religion you profess—or even if you don’t follow any religion—experiencing yourself as a soul in other lifetimes gives you a profound awareness that you are more than a physical body. You encounter your soul’s essence, connected and aligned to a greater universal energy, perhaps for the first time in your life. This has happened often in my sessions. For those who experience it, they feel truly at peace.

Life Between Life

After slipping from your body, you travel in the spiritual state between lives and feel the energy of “heaven.” You get a glimpse of who you truly are—a soul learning and growing through different incarnations. Some meet guides and make plans.Some dialogue with deceased relatives, and are left with a profound sense of having made genuine contact with their loved ones.

Experiencing the life-between-life state is a natural part of most past life regressions. Michael Newton, author of Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls has pioneered methods for exploring the life-between-life state in more depth. These specialized life-between-life sessions that follow Newton’s methods expand on the benefits of past life regression, and are usually done separately in a second or third session.Carol is certified in Michael Newton’s Life-Between-Life techniques. Ask her if you are especially interested in such a life-between-life.