The pendulum is basically an amplifier. It is a tool that helps you to access the collective unconscious and your Higher Self. You can get answers to anything you can come up with.
Although methods of reading the Tarot have changed over the years, and many readers adopt their own unique style to the traditional meanings of a layout, in general, the cards themselves haven’t changed much. Lets look at some of the early decks of Tarot cards, and the history of how these came to be used as more than just a parlor game.
Every person is basically capable of working with the pendulum. Learning to work with it is like learning to play an instrument. It requires constant practice and experimentation Making mistakes is part of the learning process. The results you get will reflect your stage of spiritual/mental development.
You should not use the pendulum for egoistic reasons. Use it only for the wellbeing of others or yourself.
REMEMBER: Swinging the pendulum requires that you be undivided and totally present in the moment
Pendulums are often used as tools for spiritual healing and inner growth.Pendulums are objects attached at the end of a string or metal chain. When suspended from a stationary position the pendulum will swing back and forth or in a circular motion.
Pendulums are made from a variety of materials including crystals, wood, glass, and metals. There is a general consensus within the healing community that using a wooden pendulum on a thread is the preferred option for receiving the most clarity.
This is because both crystals, gemstones, and metals tend to absorb energies and these energies could cloud or influence information. If you are using a crystal Benefits of pendulum scanning A pendulum is a simple, precise and very effective tool for scanning the energy flow of the body and can be used as an alternative to hand scanning or it can be combined with hand scanning.
A pendulum will help you:
⦁ Locate an injured or painful area
⦁ Locate energy blockages
⦁ Silently ask pertinent questions relating to the healing treatment
⦁ Use it as a visual indicator for improved progress
⦁ Make decisions – it can act as a second opinion
Choosing a pendulum Basically, a pendulum is anything that hangs from a string, thread or chain; there are no set rules for choosing. You can make your own using a paperclip, button, pendant, ring, gemstone in a cage, etc. or you have the option to buy ready made varieties. Ready made pendulums come in all shapes, colours and sizes that are made from metal, wood, crystals or gemstones, etc. Choose whatever you are attracted to, what feels good to you or what you resonate with. Think of your pendulum as your twin, something you feel totally comfortable with.
pendulum choose a method of cleansing or clearing your crystal prior to your divination session, be it for healing or dowsing for answers.
Holistic healers will use a pendulum for measuring energy fields or as a dowsing tool for divination purposes.
Choose A Pendulum:
⦁ Allow a pendulum to choose you. If you like the way it looks or feels, it is meant for you.
Cleanse Your Pendulum:
⦁ You may cleanse it by holding it under running cold tap water, soaking it in sea salt, or setting a mental intention to free it of 'picked up energies.'
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