





Vastu is an ancient Indian science of architecture and buildings which helps in making a congenial setting or a place to live and work in a most scientific way taking advantage of the benefits bestowed by nature, its elements and energy fields for enhanced wealth, health,prosperity and happiness.

Vastu Shastra unifies the science, art, astronomy and astrology, it can also be said as an ancient mystic science for designing and building. Vastu Shastra helps us to make our lives better and will secure from things going wrong. 

Vastu is the science of directions that combines all the five elements of nature and balance them with the man and the material. Vastu Shastra is creating a congenial settings or a place to live or work, in most scientific way taking advantages of the benefits bestowed by the five elements called "Paanchbhootas" of the nature thereby paving the way for enhanced health, wealth, prosperity and happiness in an enlightened environment. 

Our sages and seers have knew the secrets of using all the five elements of this universe and their special characteristics and influences such as the magnetic field, gravitational effect etc. of Earth, the galaxy in the sky, the directions and velocity of the winds, light and heat of the SUN including the effects of its Ultra-Violet and Infra-Red rays, the volume and intensity of rainfall etc. for the advantage of the mankind in suitably planning and constructing buildings for dwelling, prayer, entertainment , education , working , production and other purposes . They evolved scientific methods and systems and confined them over the years as 'VASTU SHASTRA'. Our sages SEARCHED it; we are only RESEARCHING it and building the concepts.

Man is the subject, object and the cause of architecture. He perceives and conceives architecture in relation to his experience of himself with the surrounding world. Through art of design, he alters and moulds the elements of natural environment. The world comprises of five basic elements, also known as the Paanchbhootas. They are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space. Out of the nine planets, our planet has life because of the presence of these five elements. Earth and Water have limited and localized availability for the human habitat and growth. They form apparent and fundamental choice makers in the location and the physical form of architecture and habitat. Sun, Air and Space are universally available and can be moulded to human needs by the act of design. In order to understand the act of design with these five elements, we shall have to take each one separately to appreciate their meaning,

Vastu is the science of direction that combines all the five elements of nature and balances them with man and materials. It is all about the interaction of various forms of best effect on a living person. It aims to create a subtle conducive atmosphere in a structure in which we can bring the best in ourselves, thereby paving the way for enhanced health, wealth, prosperity and happiness in an enlightened environment. Like any other science, vastu is universal, rational, practical and utilitarian. It is not a religion but a science.  The principle laid down in Vastu Shastra were formulated keeping in view, the cosmic influence of the Sun, its light and heat, solar energy, directions of wind, the moon position, the earth's magnetic field and the influence of cosmos on our planet. The system is an admixture of science of directions, astronomy and astrology. 

The Five Elements

Out of the nine planets, our planet has life because of the presence of these five elements. The world comprises of five basic elements, also known as the Paanchbhootas. They are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space. Earth and Water have limited and localised availability for the human habitat and growth. 

The Directions

What is Vastu Shastra? - Vastu Shastra, Vastu Shastra based on Ancient Science, Indian Vastu Shastra according to The directions - The importance of orientation of a building is not only for saving energy but also to have a better healthy house design, which not only gives comfortable living but also gives good health, prosperity and wealth to the house owners/occupiers and these families. There lies a co-relation between the rotational scenario of the planets and the house design and their different directions with respect of NORTH. The building of any type and its construction meets the purpose if proper orientation has been given using suitable local building material. It increases not only its life span but also improves the condition of occupants. There are instances where buildings are not planned according to required local orientation were lost or deteriorated much faster then the buildings having built with proper studies of orientation.  The proper orientation means the proper knowledge of all the eight directions. It is a common knowledge that the direction from where the Sun arises is known as East (Poorva) and where it sets as West (Paschim) and when one faces the East direction, towards one's left is North (Uttara) and towards one's right is South (Dakshina). The corner where two directions meet obviously is more significant since it combines the forces emanating from both the directions. According to Shastras if we worship, revere and respect the Lords of these eight directions, they will shower on us their blessings and benefits. Let us examine their importance according to scriptures. 

The Scientific Approach

What is Vastu Shastra? - Vastu Shastra, Vastu Shastra based on Ancient Science, Indian Vastu Shastra according to scientific approach Vastu comprises five natural elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Each of the elements corresponds to a natural force that effects our lives. Our ascendants were great scientists and they understood the effect of the natural forces on the lives of human beings. They are: 

Earth: Magnetic field of the earth

Water: Gravitational attraction of the Earth

Fire: Solar radiation

Air: Wind energy

Space: Cosmic radiation

The effect of the Vastu is permanent, because the Earth has been revolving round the Sun, in geo-stationary orbit for over 400 crores years creating the magnetic effect caused by the rotation.

The History of Vastu

The Indian civilization is the oldest in the world and has a rich heritage of developing different branches of science. Vastu Shastra is one such discipline that developed over the years based on the traditional knowledge gained from studying the nature. The age old Indian philosophers knew a lot about the five elements that made the universe.

They also had knowledge about the gravitational field, magnetic field, the position of the earth, velocity of the winds, ultraviolet rays, the intensity and volume of rainfall etc. Application of this knowledge certainly made sure that the construction of the house was scientific and spiritual at the same time. This is knowledge that people have garnered through years and years of study and test as well.

Directions in Vastu Shastra

Other than the elements, the directions in Vastu Shastra are the most important factor of this ancient practice. When constructing a house, making sure that everything is in the right corner is of utmost importance and this is why it is necessary for people to know all about this. Here are the eight directions in Vastu Shastra and their specific characteristics:

East: East stands for sunrise, or new beginnings. It is very advantageous for people who are trying to end something bad and getting started with something new. It is the direction of prosperity. Here are the things in the house that can be in the eastern part of the house or face the eastern direction:

⦁ The entrances to the house, living room, study and the place of worship should face the east.

⦁ Treasure boxes, lockers etc. should open towards the east to promote prosperity.

⦁ No kitchen or toilet should be in the east.

⦁ East direction should not be in a more elevated range than the west, south west and the North West directions.

West: West is probably the most pitiable direction. Out of all the Vastu directions, this is the one that has more instructions for 'don'ts' than 'dos'. People who live in the western part of the house or have entrances opening to the west direction do not lead a happy life or a prosperous one. The western direction is the direction for women; however, even then the success of the woman will not be complete or really big. The west is the direction where the sun sets, which means that this direction is not really good for beginnings. There are the things that one needs to be aware of about the western direction:

⦁ It is better to have a staircase or a tank in the west than anything else.

⦁ One could consider having an office here, as a second choice of offices, especially within the house.

⦁ Store the garbage bins or build the garage in the western direction of the house.

North: North is the direction that is best for the business people who are interested in applying some Vastu in their lives. The planet that rules over this direction is mercury, which makes it really beneficial for people to have offices in this direction. In fact, it has been found that the UV rays cast by the sun have the least negative effect in the northern parts, so having any open space in the northern area would be a good move. The north is really auspicious and the following steps have to be taken care of when one is trying to take advantage of Vastu for better life.

⦁ Have the office in the north part of the house or the building for maximum success.

⦁ It is better if there is a slope or elevation on the north side.

⦁ Keep construction in the north to the minimum, so as to maintain the efficiency at highest. If there are perennial constructions in the north, prosperity will certainly vanish.

⦁ Do not have any toilets or garbage bins in the north.

⦁ Do not put any staircases in the north, for it can promote financial loss in one's life.

⦁ Do not keep the kitchen in the northern part of the house either.

South: The south is quite a contradictory direction. There is some fear among those who follow Vastu Shastra about this direction. This is because of the fact that there are mixed feelings about whether this direction works for people or not. Say, if one builds a house with a south facing entrance, they might be successful for the first few years, but after that the money will begin to stagnate and eventually start decreasing. Hence, it is better to use the south direction in cycles, so as to keep all the bad luck far away.

⦁ Keep the south direction portion elevated compared to the rest of the house.

⦁ Try keeping a tank or an overhead tank in the south portion.

⦁ Put the staircase to the house in the southern part.

⦁ Do not put a basement in the south direction.

⦁ The kitchen and dining room should not be in this direction.

North-East: North-East is the direction of god. It is the most auspicious one and it is known to promote positive aspects in men and women. When taking care of the northern corner or side of the structure, remember the following details to take advantage of Vastu:

⦁ Open spaces in the north-eastern direction is a good idea.

⦁ Having a slope in the north-eastern area would be a smart step.

⦁ Try having a street outside the entrance, especially if the entrance is in the north-east.

North-West: North-West is the direction that handles interpersonal relationships. The kind of relationships people have with the other members of the family certainly depends on the same. Here are a few things that you would certainly have to keep in mind:

⦁ There should be no underground water tank in the north- west part of the house.

⦁ The kitchen, the dining room and the master bedroom should certainly not be in this direction.

⦁ No extensions should be made from this direction.

⦁ Avoid having a basement in the north-western part of your house.

⦁ South-East: South-East is the direction of the logical and reasoning person. Here are some of the important things you need to know about this direction:

⦁ It is very beneficial to have the kitchen in this direction.

⦁ Any electrical instruments, like TVs, motors, batteries, inverters, home theatre, etc. should be placed on the south- eastern side of the room.

⦁ Do not have a toilet or a tank in this direction.

South-West: This is the direction of the demons, the opposite of north-east. As a result of this, it can command the business field and the decisions made in that field. Here are some important things for you to keep in mind:

⦁ Rent out the place in the south-west part of your house.

⦁ Do not have any overhead tanks or basements in the south west for it promotes discord.

E-Mail -Vastu Consultancy-Long Distance Consultation

Long-distance Email consultations are a very convenient & quickest way to avail vastu services for your home, office, apartment, flat or villa. We all are well connected with the smart communication gadgets and hence consultation is very easier & more accurate for both of us. In order for us to conduct Long Distance- Email Vastu Consultations (online), We need a following informations:-

A. Floor plan or Rough sketch with measurement ( with accurate directions) of the site or Architect’s or builder’s plan.

B. Brief note about the surrounding of the site i.e. road, trees, river, mountain, lifts, staircase, religious places etc.

C. Photographs of the site covering important area, if possible.

By utilizing detailed questionnaires, accurate floor plans and compass directions, along with video & photographs, team vastuplus will analyze your space and provide you with a detailed report with suggestions on how to correctly implement vastu rules into your space.